It’s no secret- I LOVE to travel!! But traveling isn’t always the shiny, glowy Insta photos you imagine. There is LOTS of time waiting in airports, sitting in planes, and trying to remember what time zone you’re in today! I’m sharing my go-to travel tips with you to avoid jet lag and waltz off that plane ready to slay the day!!
So yeah, i did a thing. I now OFFICIALLY live in southern California! If you had told me last year that I would be moving away from my family and fulfilling my dream of moving to California, I would have laughed like Sarah laughed in Genesis. But that’s the beautiful thing about faith- it’s often acknowledged in ways that are mind-boggling to us, but that make perfect sense to our Creator. Want to know how my I reached my goal in a year?? Get your hopes up, friend, because if I can- YOU CAN!!